Configuration Settings
The previous page has shown you how to integrate the Front End Javascript library with bare minimum settings. Here is a full list of available configuration settings for the the main configuration object when using the Fast Track Front End Javascript Library.
Available Configuration Settings
Name | Options / Type | Description | Default value | Required |
integrationVersion | 1.1 | Sets the version of the integration script. | 1.1 | Yes |
autoInit | Boolean | When set to false, script will not be initialised automatically. It has to be manually initialised by running window.FasttrackCrm.init();. | false | No |
enableEventTracking | Boolean | Makes Fasttrack CRM tracking functions available. | false | No |
enablePendingRewards | Boolean | Makes Fasttrack CRM pending rewards functions available. | false | No |
enableCrmIntegration | Boolean | Makes Fasttrack CRM functions available. | true in 1.0. false in 1.1 | No |
locale | String | The front end locale to use for translations of auto generated time formattings. | Defaults to browser / user agent locale. If not found, defaults to enGB. | |
inbox.enable | Boolean | Enables inbox functionality. Only available from version 1.1 and up. | false | No |
inbox.badgeId | String | ID of HTML element in your DOM. Will receive text containing amount of unread messages. Element will be hidden if the unread count is zero. | null | No |
inbox.navBarLogo | String | URL to image (logo) that should be displayed in top left corner of inbox. | | No |
inbox.contactEmail | String | Email address for and support purposes. | No | |
inbox.supportLink | String | Overrides inbox.contactEmail. Expects an http / https link instead. | | No |
inbox.supportLinkText | String | Text for inbox.supportLink | | No |
inbox.supportLinkInNewTab | Boolean | Decides if support link opens in a new tab or same tab. | false | No |
inbox.termsAboveButtons | Boolean | Puts the terms and conditions above the CTA buttons on shoutout and inbox messages. | false | No |
inbox.closeModalOnFogClick | Boolean | If enabled, you will be able to close the inbox modal when clicking outside the modal on the overlay / fog. | false | No |
pendingBonusesV2.enable | Boolean | Enables the pending bonuses functionality of the FT CRM integration. | false | |
pendingBonusesV2.badgeId | String | ID of HTML element in your DOM. Will receive text containing amount of unused pending bonuses. Element will be hidden if the unread count is zero. | null | |
pendingBonusesV2.showTermsHeader | Boolean | Shows a header for the terms and conditions section. | false | |
pendingBonusesV2.closeModalOnFogClick | Bool | If enabled, you will be able to close the pending bonuses modal when clicking outside the modal on the overlay / fog. | false | |
pendingBonusesV2.depositPageUrl | String | The relative page link to your deposit page. | /deposit | |
Available Translation Settings
In the Fast Track Front End Javascript Library all the strings are translatable. The translations should be declared at window.fasttrack.translations, and in the below list you find all available translations to be put inside the translations object.
Name | Default value |
recieved | Received: |
validUntil | Valid until: |
questionsTop | Questions? Mail us at |
questionsShort | Questions: |
deleteMessagePrompt | Are you sure you want to delete this message? |
inboxEmpty | There is currently no messages in your inbox |
readMore | Read more |
backToList | Back |
inboxHeader | Inbox |
pendingBonusesEmpty | You currently have no pending bonuses |
pendingBonusesTitle | Pending Bonuses |
pendingBonusesSubTitle | Grab these cool bonuses! |
pendingBonusesExpiresIn | Expires in |
pendingBonusesExpires | Expires |
pendingBonusesCTAUnlockText | Deposit! |
pendingBonusesCTAClaimFallbackText | Claim |
pendingBonusesBackButtonText | Back |
pendingBonusesTermsAndConditionsHeader | Terms & Conditions |
pendingBonusesBonusUnlockedText | Awesome! You can now claim this offer below |
days | d |
hours | h |
minutes | min |