Slack is available as an Action Type in Fast Track. By following the steps below you can integrate this engagement channel that is useful for sending internal alarms for example on high deposits.
In order to add Slack as an engagement channel, you need to provide your Integration Manager at Fast Track with a webhook URL.
Creating a Slack Webhook
When you are creating the webhook you have to set a default channel for the webhook to send messages to.
However, this channel will be overridden from FT CRM, where you can set the desired channel or direct message per action.
When you have created the webhook, copy the webhook URL and send it to your Integration Manager. The details such as username and image will be overridden by FT CRM so you don't need to set these.
In case you wanted to set the username and the related image you can provide the username and image to your Integration Manager and we will apply those for you.
Fast Track CRM
Setting up the Action Types in Fast Track CRM back office.
Step 1
First access "Manage Action Types" from the sidebar.

Manage Action Types

Manage Action Types
Step 2
Choose the "Send Slack" action type.

Action Type - Send Slack

Action Type - Send Slack
The following screen will be presented enabling you to configure the slack integration.

Edit send slack action type

Edit send slack action type
Step 4
Edit the "recipient" field to choose the desired Slack channels.

Edit recipient action type field

Edit recipient action type field
The Slack API strictly validates Slack channel names. To avoid errors from typos or incorrect inputs, we recommend using a dropdown field type, as shown in the screenshot above.