User Details
This endpoint is required to support the core integration of Fast Track. We expect details of each user on the platform. The segmentation property can be used to return custom data.
⬇️ GET /userdetails/:userid
The Operator is required to provide a UserDetails endpoint, where Fast Track can fetch essential user data. Fast Track CRM will do lookups against this endpoint when certain events are received, for example Registration, User Update or when migrating user data through the Fast Track migration portal.
The method must not be cached.
The "segmentation" object can be used for custom data, please notify your integration manager if you plan on using it
Fast Track have hard validation on the format in the response, please make sure to read through the outlined Data Types and table below with required properties
Example Response
Data Types
Required properties are marked with *
Key | Example Value | Description |
address * | “Tower Road, 120A” | Address, unable to send? |
birth_date * | "1992-03-02" | The player's birth date, in date format |
city * | “Sliema” | City, unable to send? |
country * | “MT” | Country of Registration, in ISO alpha-2 format |
currency * | “EUR” | Currency code |
deleted_at | “2024-01-01T01:00:58Z” | Date of player being deleted in RFC3339 format |
email * | Email Address | |
first_name * | “Tony” | First Name |
is_blocked * | false | If the player is blocked |
is_excluded * | false | If the player is excluded |
language * | “en” | Language Code |
last_name * | “Carrot” | Last Name, unable to send? |
mobile * | “12345678” | Mobile Number |
mobile_prefix * | “+356” | Mobile Prefix |
origin * | “” | The Origin |
postal_code * | “12345FT” | Postal Code, unable to send? |
roles * | ["VIP", "TEST_USER”] | An array containing any roles unable to send? |
sex * | “Male” | Player Sex, unable to send? |
title * | “Mr” | Player Title, unable to send? |
user_id * | “1234567” | The unique id of the user |
username * | “PirateTony34” | Username |
verified_at | “2015-03-02T8:27:58Z” | Date of player activating account or when KYC is completed in RFC3339 format |
registration_code * | “Exclusive” | Registration Code, unable to send? |
registration_date * | “2015-03-02T8:27:58Z” | Date of Registration in RFC3339 format |
affiliate_reference * | “AFF_12345” | Affiliate Reference |
market * | “gb” | Market, unable to send? |
segmentation | "vip_level": 15, "special_segmentation": "3D" | Custom Segmentation |